Collection Title Media Source Publication date Date retrieved Contributor Location Involved party Canmore ID
  Tragic Collapse 2 - Newsprint - Newspaper Article - Dundee Courier 2 - British Newspaper Archive 14/06/1938 13/06/2015 Alasdair Nicoll 2 - Area - Knapp 1 - Mrs Donald M'Gibbon 188381
  Solicitor and Art Lover Mr W. B. Dickie Dead 2 - Newsprint - Newspaper Article - Dundee Courier 2 - British Newspaper Archive 24/02/1941 13/06/2015 Alasdair Nicoll 3 - Area - Whitehills 2 - Mr W. B. Dickie 239607
  Judicial Proceedings: act of the lords auditors of causes and complaints 5 - Book - Register - K. M. Brown et al. - Parliamentary Register 6 - The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1701 20/02/1472 10/06/2015 Alasdair Nicoll 5 - Area - Abernyte 3 - Mr Andrew Gray 30654
  Judicial Proceedings: act of the lords auditors of causes and complaints 5 - Book - Register - K. M. Brown et al. - Parliamentary Register 6 - The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1701 06/03/1479 09/06/2015 Alasdair Nicoll 6 - Farm - Pitkindie 4 - Mr Walter Boyd 30673
  Olden Days in Abernyte - a book by Kitty Vogelsanger 3 - Web - Other - - 8 - Abernyte Community Website 15/06/1967 15/06/2015 Gordon Nicoll 5 - Area - Abernyte 8 - Mrs Kitty (Katherine) Campbell Vogelsanger 30654
  Measles and Illegitimate Births 1862 2 - Newsprint - Newspaper Article - Dundee Courier 2 - British Newspaper Archive 16/05/1862 10/05/2015 Alasdair Nicoll 5 - Area - Abernyte   30654
  Carquhanan Castle - site of 41 - Other - Photograph - Gordon Nicoll 1 - Canmore Database 28/10/2016 28/10/2016 Gordon Nicoll 81 - Other Building - Carquhanan Castle - site of 533 - Mr Gordon Nicoll 30676
  Act of annexation of the forfeited lands and others to the crown 5 - Book - Register - K. M. Brown et al. - Parliamentary Register 6 - The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1701 15/11/1600 09/06/2015 Alasdair Nicoll 5 - Area - Abernyte   30654
  Night Poaching 2 - Newsprint - Newspaper Article - Dundee Courier 2 - British Newspaper Archive 18/07/1888 15/06/2015 Alasdair Nicoll 3 - Area - Whitehills 6 - Mr David Malcolm 239607
  Sudden Death of Lord De Mauley 2 - Newsprint - Newspaper Article - Dundee Courier 2 - British Newspaper Archive 25/08/1896 01/06/2015 Alasdair Nicoll 2 - Area - Knapp 10 - Lord Charles Ponsonby 188381
Records 1 to 10 of 267
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