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On Friday the 29th ultimo the Right Hon. Lord Kinnaird gave a grand fete to the children attending the various schools in the vicinity of Rossie Priory. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the day being beautiful, the Parochial Schools of Inchture, Abernyte and Longforgan assembled at the western policy gate, and thence, in rank and file marched up the principle approach to the Priory. They were received by his Lordship at the entrance to the terrace on the south, round which they slowly marched several times in presence of Lady Kinnaird and the young and interesting family. Here they were joined by the Baledgarno School of Industry, endowed and chiefly supported by, we understand, Her Ladyship - and by three other female schools in the neighbourhood. The cheerful faces, yet chastened demeanour of the children in the presence of Lord and Lady Kinnaird - their clean and tidy appearance, dressed as they were, in their holiday attire, presented a lively spectacle. In front of the terrace a small pavilion was erected, the interior of which presented unusual attractions to the juvenile party, being loaded with plum cakes, confections, fruits and other varieties of rich and rare eatable, toward which many a wistful eye was turned as they slowly marched along. The children being properly arranged by his Lordship, the Rev Honey said grace after which they were comfortably seated and amply regaled with tea and a various important etceteras which formerly greeted their eyes.
Tea being over and thanks returned, at a signal from his Lordship about 50 boys started off at full speed to a splendid "merry- go-round" machine erected some 3 or 400 yards distant. This now became the grand centre of attraction and the whole band being most impatient to follow, they were permitted to do so, and now the boisterous mirth and vociferous cheering of about 300 children as they witnessed and enjoyed this to them novel species of amusement.
Made echo from her slumber wake,
And Rossie ring with joy.