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...the Gray family were one time proprietors of the barony of Abernyte and it was from one of their descendants that George Lord Kinnaird purchased, in the year 1788 the baronies of Abernyte and Baledgarno. close to the west end of the churchyard of Abernyte is a small piece of ground which is believed to be the property of the Duke of Atholl, as that venerable authority, tradition, declares that it was given the Duke for the purpose of of enabling him to turn his carriage when he came to church. At any rate the bit of ground is now more usefully employed than reserving it for his Grace's coach turning as the minister when I saw it last was using it for a cabbage garden.
The only one of the Duke of Atholl's family with whom I have met in any way connected with Abernyte is Andrew Murray, Lord Balvaird, a cadet of the old house of Tullibardine, of which his Grace is chief, who on the 10th May 1642 was invested in the Temple Lands of Abern yte - a piece of land between Abernyte and Baledgarno which formerly belonged to the Knight Templar and which was then esteemed equal to a 20s Land of old extent.